Public Speaking is...


Impact - income & fulfillment

Public Speaking is...


Impact - income & fulfillment

This is why Public Speaking is such an awesome vehicle

This is why Public Speaking is such an awesome vehicle

But first, a bit fat disclaimer.

Because Public Speaking is the #1 fear of most human beings (more than death!!).

So if that is you, know that that is oke.

In fact, everybody goes through it in their own way at own time. Including myself!

Know that thoughts like:

- Am I good enough?;

- Do I truly have a message that others want to listen to?;

- Is this really for me?

are part of the process! It's something to

lean into instead of move away from


When you do, there are 3 main outcomes to expect. Let me show you what that could look like....

But first, a bit fat disclaimer.

Because Public Speaking is the #1 fear of most human beings (more than death!!).

So if that is you, know that that is oke.

In fact, everybody goes through it in their own way at own time. Including myself!

Know that thoughts like:

- Am I good enough?;

- Do I truly have a message that others want to listen to?;

- Is this really for me?

are part of the process! It's something to

lean into instead of move away from


When you do, there are 3 main outcomes to expect. Let me show you what that could look like....


Laurie Mabelis Thumbs up

Sure, you can promote your product via social media to let people know who you are and what you do. But can a 30-second reel or a funny TikTok dance truly transform them? NO!

With Public Speaking, you have your audience's undivided attention for a substantial period.

When you fully explore the potential of speaking, you can genuinely change themโ€”seriously change them!

I won't dive into the technical details, but just to give you an idea: through your words, you can create an emotional connection that results in a physical change in their bodies.

And it's not just one person at a time; it's an unlimited number of people! That's what I'd call 'making the most of your time.'


Laurie Mabelis Thumbs up

Sure, you can promote your product via social media to let people know who you are and what you do. But can a 30-second reel or a funny TikTok dance truly transform them? NO!

With Public Speaking, you have your audience's undivided attention for a substantial period.

When you fully explore the potential of speaking, you can genuinely change themโ€”seriously change them!

I won't dive into the technical details, but just to give you an idea: through your words, you can create an emotional connection that results in a physical change in their bodies.

And it's not just one person at a time; it's an unlimited number of people! That's what I'd call 'making the most of your time.'


Laurie Mabelis with head smiling

Public Speaking is a single action that handles the marketing and sales of your business.

Ever wondered what happens subconsciously when you take the stage at an event hosted by someone else? Well, the trustworthiness of the event host gets transferred to you!

With photos and videos of you on that stage, your credibility, authority and visibility as a business owner and brand skyrocket.

Plus, your content calendar gets filled when you use those longer videos to create 10-30 second clips for your social media.

Ohh and just so you know. Billions of dollars go around in the Speaking industry. And that is not even the fastest way to earn money.

Selling on stage ensures exponential growth!! You can expand your email list, sell courses, or enroll new clients. It all happens from stage!


Laurie Mabelis with head smiling

Public Speaking is a single action that handles the marketing and sales of your business.

Ever wondered what happens subconsciously when you take the stage at an event hosted by someone else? Well, the trustworthiness of the event host gets transferred to you!

With photos and videos of you on that stage, your credibility, authority and visibility as a business owner and brand skyrocket.

Plus, your content calendar gets filled when you use those longer videos to create 10-30 second clips for your social media.

Ohh and just so you know. Billions of dollars go around in the Speaking industry. And that is not even the fastest way to earn money.

Selling on stage ensures exponential growth!! You can expand your email list, sell courses, or enroll new clients. It all happens from stage!


Public Speaking serves as a magnifying glass for our thought patterns.

The fact that negative thoughts pop up is not because you stand on a stage.

It is because your brain is wired like that.

Think of it like this: Imagine you walk over grass for a while. Not often enough to trample the grass, but often enough to make it fragile.

Now, when there is a big rain storm and that exact path gets muddy.

Is that due to the rain?

Or because you've walked there every day?

Public Speaking is like the rain. It vividly highlights what is deeply rooted within you.

Because you are on this path of more impact and more income, you allow your fears be more visible.

And this is absolutely epic. Because when we recognize these fears, we can overcome them. So you become more of WHO YOU REALLY ARE.


Laurie Mabelis Posing

Public Speaking serves as a magnifying glass for our thought patterns.

The fact that negative thoughts pop up is not because you stand on a stage.

It is because your brain is wired like that.

Think of it like this: Imagine you walk over grass for a while. Not often enough to trample the grass, but often enough to make it fragile.

Now, when there is a big rain storm and that exact path gets muddy.

Is that due to the rain?

Or because you've walked there every day?

Public Speaking is like the rain. It vividly highlights what is deeply rooted within you.

Because you are on this path of more impact and more income, you allow your fears be more visible.

And this is absolutely epic. Because when we recognize these fears, we can overcome them. So you become more of WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

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I agree to the terms & conditions and the privacy policy provided by the company. By providing my email, I agree to receive emails from the business.

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Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved.